Serving the Swannanoa Valley since 1936
Serving the Swannanoa Valley since 1936
St. Vincent de Paul Society helps parishioners and others in our Swannanoa Valley community experiencing stressful, financial emergencies related to shelter, food, utilities, health and transportation. With generous support from St. Margaret Mary's parishioners, we answer these immediate needs every week.
If you or someone you know is experiencing a financial emergency please call the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 800-862-1633 or call the Parish Office at 828-686-8833, Ext. 6 to be connected to the SVdP line.
Note: Please leave a message and a SVdP member will return your call. Typically, voice-mail is checked each Monday between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m.
Beyond the Numbers: Pamela
Pamela is 24 and a single mother of 3 pre-school children. Some time ago she left an abusive relationship and is struggling, especially because her car broke down. Her SVdP case manager was able to coordinate getting her car towed and repaired for $450.
We collaborated with 2 other agencies to each pay a portion of the repair. Even better news...Pamela recently got a job where she can work from home, and she’s taking college classes.
Beyond the Numbers: Jim
In February, Jim was found slumped over the steering wheel of his long haul 18-wheeler. He’d had a stroke 1,500 miles from his TX home! After a few days in the hospital, Jim was released with a few dollars in his pocket, a pink-slip from his employer, and hospitalization follow-up appointments. SVdP and several other local agencies helped with food, motel, and transportation.
Days passed, and we assumed Jim had left for home. Unfortunately, he’d had another more severe stroke and was again in the hospital. On release, he needed help again. Two of our SVdP caseworkers drove him from the hospital to a motel, covering 2 days stay, an Ingles gift card, and a prepaid cell phone (since his phone broke while in the hospital). Now the challenge was to get Jim back to TX.
Due to Jim’s medical condition, he could not fly, or ride in a car for any distance. The only option was Amtrak. SVdP drove Jim from Black Mountain to Spartanburg to catch a 4am train to New Orleans for an overnight layover. SVdP in New Orleans stepped in and helped to make sure Jim had a place to stay until his journey to TX continued the next day. He is now taking therapy and living with his sister in San Antonio.